
“Psychotherapy” has existed for as long as humans have been living communally in some form or another from conversations with the village elders to spiritual guidance from a religious leader. In the late 17th century, the term “talking cure” was coined by an Austrian physician Josef Breuer and later adopted by the famous Sigmund Freud. Since then, the theory and practice of psychotherapy have evolved and diversified and will continue to do so.

Preceding researchers and theorists from many different schools of thought have provided a lot of valuable insight into my practice, however I consider myself as belonging to a school of thought called Humanistic Psychology, which emphasizes an individual’s inherent drive toward self-actualization and creativity. Humanistic Psychology holds that people are inherently good and encourages people to view themselves as a “whole person.” It takes a non-authoritative approach in which a client and a therapist work together side by side. In this approach, a key ingredient is the actual meeting of client and therapist and what transpires moment to moment in session.

You are not a “case” or a “diagnosis” to me. While I believe in a practice supported by research and theory, my ultimate interest is in you. You are a real person with authentic feelings, thoughts, and sensations. Help me see what you see and help me experience what you experience. In doing so, we will form a real relationship that serves as a vehicle for your transformation.

While there are certain boundaries in client-therapist relationships, I, Hiro Yasuda, will relate to you from a place of authenticity. Hopefully, you will be able to see me not just as another professional that passes through your life but as another human being whom you happen to meet while being involved in a thing called “psychotherapy.”