If you are interested in expanding your knowledge base and/or enhancing your skills in holistic therapy, I offer individually tailored hands-on clinical supervision, which includes theoretical discussion, experiential exercises, and case studies. As referenced in my bio, I am a Certified Gestalt Therapist and am currently the Director of Training at The Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training. I also hold an Advanced Certification as a Clinical Supervisor from New York University. Over the course of my career, I have been trained in various forms of psychotherapeutic approaches.
My goal is to help you become an intuitive and clinically astute therapist with sound theoretically understanding to support your intervention. In doing so, my responsibilities as supervisor are twofold: (1) helping you become aware of your strengths and reinforcing them, and (2) helping you identify your “growing edges,” which are areas you have yet to cultivate. This approach applies to both theoretical and clinical aspects of supervision. I enjoy helping my supervisees deconstruct abstract theories and see how those theories can be applied and utilized in their actual therapeutic work.
Similar to my clinical work, I take a non-authoritative approach to supervision and believe in the importance of a trusting supervisory relationship that fosters your learning process. Your input regarding the direction of your supervision and our supervisory relationship is always appreciated.
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with Reimbursement privileges (LCSW-R). If the licensure with which you are looking to be credentialed requires clinical supervision, the supervisory hours with me can be counted toward those required hours, and I can fill out and sign off the necessary forms.